Sequence 2 - Lesson 5: Two Variables
Learning Intention
I can use more than one variable in a program
I can use more than one variable in a program
What did we learn to do last week? (We learnt how to use a say instruction to speak the variable ‘Count’ and we completed some additional counting challenges using variables.) Today we are going to continue with our work on variables. What is a variable? We will be creating some new variables to count Picoh’s movements. This will link up with the movement tasks we completed in Year 3 and all the work we have covered on the variable ‘Count’ in Year 4.
What did we learn to do last week? (We learnt how to use a say instruction to speak the variable ‘Count’ and we completed some additional counting challenges using variables.) Today we are going to continue with our work on variables. What is a variable? We will be creating some new variables to count Picoh’s movements. This will link up with the movement tasks we completed in Year 3 and all the work we have covered on the variable ‘Count’ in Year 4.
Teacher Input 1
We are now going to use Make a Variable to create a variable called ‘head nod’. This variable will be used to count the number of times Picoh moves its head up and down in a task. Remember to have the tick next to ‘head nod’ on the Data palette to watch the counting.
If we use a repeat instruction with a count of 2, how many times will Picoh nod? (2). Therefore, the ‘head nod’ count will go up to two. If we use a count of 10, how many times will Picoh nod? (10). Therefore, the ‘head nod’ count will go up to 10.
We are now going to use Make a Variable to create a variable called ‘head nod’. This variable will be used to count the number of times Picoh moves its head up and down in a task. Remember to have the tick next to ‘head nod’ on the Data palette to watch the counting.
If we use a repeat instruction with a count of 2, how many times will Picoh nod? (2). Therefore, the ‘head nod’ count will go up to two. If we use a count of 10, how many times will Picoh nod? (10). Therefore, the ‘head nod’ count will go up to 10.
1 Can you write a program that uses repeat to make Picoh nod its head a number of times?
1 Can you write a program that uses repeat to make Picoh nod its head a number of times?
3. Can you write a program to make Picoh count the number of times it blinks?
File, Save As – countblink
File, Save As – countblink
Can you make three variables for Picoh’s keep fit routine? Can you write a script to make Picoh count the number of times it nods his head, shakes its head and looks up and down with its eyes?
File, Save As – countkeepfit
Can you make three variables for Picoh’s keep fit routine? Can you write a script to make Picoh count the number of times it nods his head, shakes its head and looks up and down with its eyes?
File, Save As – countkeepfit
Encourage children to share their programs with the class and discuss ones that don’t work, work partially or have used a different algorithm to reach the same outcome. Encourage children to talk through how they work block by block and work as a class to debug a program to improve it.
Encourage children to share their programs with the class and discuss ones that don’t work, work partially or have used a different algorithm to reach the same outcome. Encourage children to talk through how they work block by block and work as a class to debug a program to improve it.