Year 5 - Lesson 5
(Broadcasting More)
Learning Intention
● I can use broadcast in my programs to make Ohbot do several things at the same time
● I can use broadcast in my programs to make Ohbot do several things at the same time
What did we learn to do last week? (broadcast a message). We will build on our knowledge from last week’s lesson on broadcast. Today we will broadcast some new messages related to movements which will allow us to structure our code and change it easily. First, we will take another look at the Welcome2 program. Play the demonstration code to the children. This code has been written with some broadcast instructions. What messages have been broadcast? Today we are going to write our own version of the Welcome2 program using the broadcast instruction.
What did we learn to do last week? (broadcast a message). We will build on our knowledge from last week’s lesson on broadcast. Today we will broadcast some new messages related to movements which will allow us to structure our code and change it easily. First, we will take another look at the Welcome2 program. Play the demonstration code to the children. This code has been written with some broadcast instructions. What messages have been broadcast? Today we are going to write our own version of the Welcome2 program using the broadcast instruction.
Teacher Input 1
First, we need to go to the Events palette and create a new message which we will call ‘head’. We will need to use the instructions: broadcast head and wait and when I receive head as well as the usual start instruction - when green flag clicked. When the green flag is clicked we need to broadcast the ‘head’ message (and then wait for the head broadcast code to run). The When I receive head instruction will have a set of movements underneath that show off how Ohbot can move its head. File, Save As – ‘broadcast head’.
First, we need to go to the Events palette and create a new message which we will call ‘head’. We will need to use the instructions: broadcast head and wait and when I receive head as well as the usual start instruction - when green flag clicked. When the green flag is clicked we need to broadcast the ‘head’ message (and then wait for the head broadcast code to run). The When I receive head instruction will have a set of movements underneath that show off how Ohbot can move its head. File, Save As – ‘broadcast head’.
We can have a series of broadcasts in one piece of code.
1. Can you add multiple broadcasts to your code? (Next broadcast lips, then broadcast eyes to demonstrate how all of Ohbot’s 7 motors work).
We can have a series of broadcasts in one piece of code.
1. Can you add multiple broadcasts to your code? (Next broadcast lips, then broadcast eyes to demonstrate how all of Ohbot’s 7 motors work).
You can change the order of the broadcast instructions and make the sequences run in a different order. You can also run a sequence more than once without having to duplicate all the instructions. By using messages you can see that your code is easier to change and has a better structure.
Activity 2. Can you make Ohbot move in a different order and repeat one of the sequences?
File, Save As – ‘broadcast 3 moves’.
Can you take this one step further by adding another broadcast at the start of the code. We will call this broadcast
“welcome.” Welcome needs to introduce Ohbot the robot and include sound effects.
How did you find today’s lesson? (Thumbs up, down, middle). Show your partner today’s program. Does your program show off Ohbot’s movements fully?
Activity 2. Can you make Ohbot move in a different order and repeat one of the sequences?
File, Save As – ‘broadcast 3 moves’.
Can you take this one step further by adding another broadcast at the start of the code. We will call this broadcast
“welcome.” Welcome needs to introduce Ohbot the robot and include sound effects.
How did you find today’s lesson? (Thumbs up, down, middle). Show your partner today’s program. Does your program show off Ohbot’s movements fully?