Ohbot Translation
25th November 2015
Translations available so far:
Nederlands. Kindly supplied by Sjoerd Dirk Meijer [email protected]
Version of Ohbot software adds the possibility of language translation. Language is selected from the settings menu:
25th November 2015
Translations available so far:
Nederlands. Kindly supplied by Sjoerd Dirk Meijer [email protected]
Version of Ohbot software adds the possibility of language translation. Language is selected from the settings menu:
A language translation is created by saving a file called <language>.lang to the Ohbot documents folder – where <language> is the name of the language that you are providing a translation of. You can find the Ohbot documents folder by going to libraries\documents\Ohbot in Windows Explorer.
You can obtain a template .lang file by contacting us.
The file is in XML format and can be edited in Notepad. It must be saved with Unicode encoding if it needs to support European characters such as é.
After loading the file in Notepad change all of the text inside the double quotes for the Alt entries. The English text must not be changed as this is used to find the translated text. All other formatting in the file should remain unchanged. The Tip attribute contains information to help you understand the translation. The Version attribute lets you identify new entries in the file. The Context attribute is set where there is the same word with different meanings. You should match the case of the text in the English attribute i.e. if the English phrase starts with a capital letter you should start the Alt text with a capital letter. Some phrases have {0} or {1} in them. These characters are replaced by words in the program and you must include these same characters in the Alt text.
It’s not possible at this time to translate generic sensor list values that appear in drop down lists such as up arrow for keys, motor names and day of week.
Error messages and the about page remain in English.
Once you save this file to the Ohbot documents folder you will see the language appear in the language settings.
The help file can also be translated. The help file can be found in a folder called help which is in the folder that Ohbot runs from. You can find where the Ohbot program is running from by looking on the Debug tab.
The filename for a language specific help file is help<language>2.html where <language> is the same as the name that you have used for the .lang file.
You can copy the English file called help2.html from this folder as a template. The help file is html format and css and images are provided in sub folders of the help folder.
The Ohbot software will search for the help file on the Ohbot website before it uses the local help file. This allows the help file to be updated. If you would like you translated help file to be updated to the Ohbot website please contact us.
You can obtain a template .lang file by contacting us.
The file is in XML format and can be edited in Notepad. It must be saved with Unicode encoding if it needs to support European characters such as é.
After loading the file in Notepad change all of the text inside the double quotes for the Alt entries. The English text must not be changed as this is used to find the translated text. All other formatting in the file should remain unchanged. The Tip attribute contains information to help you understand the translation. The Version attribute lets you identify new entries in the file. The Context attribute is set where there is the same word with different meanings. You should match the case of the text in the English attribute i.e. if the English phrase starts with a capital letter you should start the Alt text with a capital letter. Some phrases have {0} or {1} in them. These characters are replaced by words in the program and you must include these same characters in the Alt text.
It’s not possible at this time to translate generic sensor list values that appear in drop down lists such as up arrow for keys, motor names and day of week.
Error messages and the about page remain in English.
Once you save this file to the Ohbot documents folder you will see the language appear in the language settings.
The help file can also be translated. The help file can be found in a folder called help which is in the folder that Ohbot runs from. You can find where the Ohbot program is running from by looking on the Debug tab.
The filename for a language specific help file is help<language>2.html where <language> is the same as the name that you have used for the .lang file.
You can copy the English file called help2.html from this folder as a template. The help file is html format and css and images are provided in sub folders of the help folder.
The Ohbot software will search for the help file on the Ohbot website before it uses the local help file. This allows the help file to be updated. If you would like you translated help file to be updated to the Ohbot website please contact us.